This blog is long overdue! Logan is now 9 months old and I've been meaning to start this to document his story and to share with others for so long. Since he was diagnosed, I've taken much comfort in reading the stories of other families and I hope our story can give comfort to others.
We have 1 daughter and were very happy to be adding a son to our family. I can remember how in his first month of life it was both one of the happiest times and one of the hardest and saddest times in my life. He failed his newborn hearing screening 3 times before we were discharged from the hospital. They assured us that we did not need to worry and that this happens quite often. We were sure he just had some fluid in his ears.
When he was 1 week old, we went to get an ABR test done, which he failed. The audiologist suggested we do a repeat ABR when he was a month old, just in case there was still fluid in his ears. As we waited those 3 weeks we did many "hearing tests" on him, such as banging pots together, having his sister yell and anything else we could think of. Every time we thought he had a response, we were so hopeful. The 3 weeks finally passed and there I was with him and the audiologist again. As I knew deep down, they confirmed his hearing loss that day. I was crushed when they told me that he had severe to profound hearing loss in both ears.
Logan was fitted with his first set of hearing aids when he was just 7 weeks old. I will never forget how his face lit up when he actually heard us. But with that joy I also felt so sad thinking about all the things he had been missing.
Logan has come a long way since then. He has so much help that I am so thankful for. He is enrolled in an early childhood program at a great oral deaf school here and has other early childhood intervention services. He is such a happy baby and he loves to babble, which melts my heart knowing his degree of hearing loss.
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