Saturday, July 7, 2012

First Meetup Today!

Through the last year I have found that talking with families with a hearing impaired child has helped me out tremendously.  Not only does it help you feel less isolated, but it gives you the ability to share your war stories, so to speak. It's the same as a new mom who wants to talk about diapers, napping, their baby's latest accomplishments or even frustrations and questions. You get support and you give support.  Speaking of this, I am a member of a toddler meetup group for my daughter and have made some great friends for myself and for my daughter because of it. I have also gotten lots of support from them as well. I am so glad that I took that step to join the group. 

Because of this experience, last month I decided to start my own meetup group for infants and toddlers with hearing loss. I recall when Logan was first diagnosed, one of the first things I did (after calling a dear friend who has a daughter with hearing loss) was to look for a support group.  Unfortunately, there was nothing here.  I had entertained the idea of starting something then, but I just wasn't ready. The wound was still too new.  So it slipped to the back of my mind, and life went on.

To make a long story short, I hosted my first meetup for my new group today at a local park. It was small, as we do not have very many members yet, but it was quite a success!  One of the moms that I know from Sunshine Cottage was there and we also had a father join just the other day who was there with his son, daughter and wife!  What made this so great was that they just found out within the last week that their 2 year old son has hearing loss.  It makes me very happy that I created a group that has already served to support a family who is going through that very difficult period of shock, sadness, anger, isolation and just about every other emotion you can think of.

I hope that I can reach more people with my group and that it serves its purpose to provide support, encouragement, and a sense of family for others who are going through this as well.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! You are such an inspiration, Becky. I admire you greatly for what you're doing. God bless you.
