Wednesday, November 21, 2012


On the eve of Thanksgiving, I've been thinking about how much we have to be thankful for in our family and in regards to our sweet Logan.  We are truly blessed.

In honor of Thanksgiving day, here are some things I am truly thankful for:
  1. My two beautiful children.
  2. Their laughter.
  3. Their hugs and kisses.
  4. My sweet husband and his unconditional love.
  5. That he has been able to support our family so that I can stay home with the kids.
  6. My mom and the support she gives me.
  7. My sister and best friend.
  8. Newborn hearing screenings.
  9. Hearing aid technology. Although they weren't powerful enough for Logan, they helped lay a solid hearing foundation for him in his first year of life.
  10. Cochlear implant technology. It is giving my sweet Logan a chance to be part of the hearing world.
  11. Early Childhood Intervention services. The women we work with are so invested in the success of our little boy that they are an extended part of our family.
  12. That we live in San Antonio and having my family nearby.
  13. That wonderful place called Sunshine Cottage.
  14. The strides Logan is making in learning to listen and trying to speak.
  15. Extended families in other cities and states.
  16. That we are able to send Jasmine to a preschool program a few times a week. Not only does it give me time to work with Logan and do all his appointments, but she is learning so much while she is there.
  17. That the virus that caused Logan's hearing loss didn't do more damage because it could have been so much worse.  
  18. That Logan is practically running now.
  19. For good friends.
  20. For our home.
  21. For good food and conversation.
  22. For good coffee.
  23. For playtime with the kids.
  24. For being able to reach out to other families who have children with hearing loss and offer support and friendship.
  25. Conversations with my 2 1/2 year old Jasmine. She really says the funniest things.
  26. The kids' afternoon naps.
  27. Toddler messes all around the house. 
  28. Naptime and bedtime stories with the kids.
  29. Quiet time with Andrew at the end of the day.
  30. This past year filled with learning and growing

1 comment:

  1. We are thankful to be your friends and have you all in our lives. I am also thankful for this blog. We busy lives, kids, work, etc.. it is hard to stay in touch regularly but I feel like this blog allows me to know how you all are doing and I enjoy reading it. Thank you for sharing with us. Happy Thanksgiving to your whole family. Tell you Mom I LOVE her!
