Like most children who have not learned to speak yet, Logan has taken to pointing and saying "mmm mmm mmm" toward the object of his desire. Up to this point, he usually uses this gesture when he wants some food, his sippy cup or when he wants a toy that is out of reach. Today, I was pleasantly surprised when I got him out of his crib when he woke up from his nap. Since he does not wear his cochlear equipment to sleep, we usually place it on his changing table while he naps. Well, as soon as I got him out of his crib and he saw his cochlear equipment he made his "I want" gesture. This made me so incredibly happy. It really shows that he understands the difference between when his is wearing his equipment and when he isn't, and that he prefers having it on!
Merry Christmas to me!
Yay, Logan! Yes, that is a wonderful gift!