Thursday, August 16, 2012

Two Weeks Post Activation

It has already been two weeks since Logan's initial stimulation and we are thrilled with what we are seeing so far. It is by no means a night and day difference from the hearing aids he wore previously.  He is still getting used to his new ears and starting to figure out how to listen with them, but when he responds (or appears to respond) to things we had not previously seen, it brings so much joy to my heart.

For those of you who are not familiar with the Ling 6 sounds, these are familiar sounds that broadly represent the speech spectrum and include low, medium and high frequency sounds (ah / ee / oo /mm / sss / sh) and can be used to test whether a child has access to the full spectrum of speech sounds in a very low tech way.  With hearing aids, Logan had very limited access to these sounds. We are still unsure of what he has access to with his implants, since we will still be fine tuning his programs and we have not had a hearing test with them yet.  However, I was thrilled when Logan responded to the "sh" sound when I was working with him the other day.  He has never been able to do that, as far as I can remember.

The other thing that we have been so excited about over the last few days is that he is starting to respond to music!  We love listening to music and we are so happy that hopefully our son is now able to hear some of it.

Jasmine was watching Madagascar yesterday and the part with the Bee Gee's song came on. Logan was not looking at the TV at the time, but he started bobbing up and down as he was cruising the sofa. He had no visual cues that would tell him to start dancing so I know he heard the music!  We are so excited to see what other great things he will be doing in the near future.

                                          Logan Dancing

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