Sunday, May 27, 2012

Making Progress

For those of you that don't know, Logan has been in physical therapy 3 times a month for the last 4 months or so. At his 6 month checkup, I mentioned to his pediatrician that he was still a little wobbly and seemed to be weaker in his upper body in comparison to his lower body. She checked him out and decided to refer him for physical therapy. Developmental delays are common in children with CMV.

When we had our physical therapy evaluation the therapist said he was about 2 months behind which she said is not too bad. For the past 4 months we have been working hard on helping him with his head control, sitting, rolling properly (some of you have seen his acrobatic style rolls), crawling and standing (in addition to learning to listen).

At times I have been discouraged because he seems to be taking so long to reach certain milestones. I realize this is because I am comparing him to Jasmine and how quickly she achieved them. I try to stop myself when I catch myself comparing them, but it is easy to slip back into it.

I have to say that the therapy has really started to pay off over the last month and a half. In this short time he has perfected his sitting, rolling, commando crawling (although he did actually crawl with his belly off the floor today!) and is pulling up on anything and everything he can possibly find. He actually prefers to be standing now and has let go of whatever he is holding thinking he can balance already! I am so proud of him and am so happy to see him finally start taking off and catching up to babies his age. Thanks Denyse, we couldn't have done it without you.

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